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SUGAR GROVE | Just Days Away from Sugar Grove's 2019 Consolidated Election on April 2nd


Though early voting has ended in the community of Sugar Grove, many still need to make their voice heard and plan to do so in the April 2, 2019 Consolidated Election. As campaign signs continue to blanket neighborhoods and social media pages remain abuzz about who will sit on Sugar Grove's Village Board, area development is a driving force for many voters this time around.

"Vote for Change" has been a common phrase in this year's election after a recent proposal to rezone land in Sugar Grove for an 8 million square foot warehouse and distribution complex prompted residents to get more involved in their community. The Village Board, comprised of its Village Trustees, is ultimately responsible for approving or denying a rezoning request such as the warehouse complex.

The ballot for the Village of Sugar Grove for Trustees to serve a 4-year term includes: David Paluch, Mari Johnson, Heidi Lendi, and Alex Kline-Wedeen. Write-in candidates include Jennifer (Jen) Konen and Ryan Walter. As concerns grew around the massive-scale warehouse proposal, along with changes made to the Village's Comprehensive Plan to accommodate such a project, a new group, named Independents for Sugar Grove Village Trustee (ISGVT), formed this past January endorsing Lendi, Konen and Walter.

“I want to give an independent voice to the residents of Sugar Grove. I believe that my approach of listening, research, and then discussion produces thoroughly vetted decisions and good results for the Village,” Heidi Lendi says. “I think it is important to improve communications between the Board and the residents, so I want the people to know that I listen to what everyone has to say and then do my own research before making any decisions.”

Jen Konen also strongly believes in transparency, communication and integrity and vows to protect residents’ most expensive investment– their property. "Whether it be village administrators, board members, residents, or developers, I am committed to working with everyone on behalf of our residents,” Jen shared.

“The Village is in need of additional infrastructure and inviting spaces that bring the community together,” Ryan Walter says. “I support balanced mixed use that provides desirable experiences and options that most citizens can embrace.” He echoes the sentiments of his fellow ISGVT-endorsed candidates and vows to serve, listen to and represent the residents’ views and interests well.

“ISGVT is comprised of concerned residents of the village who want to ensure that the interests of all Sugar Grove residents are considered when important village decisions are being made,” ISGVT Director, Jim Huguelet says. “All of ISGVT’s endorsed candidates are long-time residents of Sugar Grove, and each would bring a unique professional background to their service.”

Beyond the hot rezoning topic, the three ISGVT endorsed candidates support a four-point platform so that voters can hold them accountable if they are elected which includes the following:

1) Rejection of any development proposal that does not adequately reflect the legitimate interests of Sugar Grove’s current residents

2) Opposition to the creation of any tax-increment financing (TIF) districts that are not in the best interests of Sugar Grove taxpayers and governmental bodies

3) Commencement of a review of the village’s Comprehensive Plan (Ordinance 2018-403C) that meaningfully engages with all stakeholders in the community to arrive at a truly shared vision for the village, as was done in the past

4) Provide an independent voice that asks tough questions and makes fact-based decisions for the long-term that are fair to all of the village’s stakeholders

For more information on the consolidated election, visit

For more information on Independents for Sugar Grove Village Trustee (ISGVT) and details on voting, visit -Kristen Kucharski



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