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KANE COUNTY | Meet Jennifer Konen, Write-In Candidate for Village of Sugar Grove Trustee


Independents for Sugar Grove Village Trustee (ISGVT) is endorsing a slate of candidates for the three Village Trustee positions up for election on April 2, 2019: Jennifer (Jen) Konen (write-in), Heidi Lendi (incumbent), and Ryan Walter (write-in). This week we will be introducing these three candidates to our readers, to help them learn more about each of them and their vision for Sugar Grove.

JENNIFER (JEN) KONEN (Write-In Candidate)

  • Resident of Sugar Grove since 2003, residing in the Hannaford Farm subdivision

  • Realtor®, Anton Agency

  • B.S. Business Administration, Concentration in Professional Golf Management, Methodist University

  • Married to Eric; Mother of Lilly (11), Sydney (9), and Henry (7)

  • Hannaford Farm HOA Board Member; Kaneland Youth Softball Coach; Girl Scout Troop Leader; Former Marmion Golf Coach

  • Attends St. Katharine Catholic Church, Sugar Grove

  • Interests include traveling with Eric and my children, golf, cooking, spending time with friends and family and playing with our dog, Gus

Why did you decide to run for Village Trustee?

I have lived in Illinois for the past 16 years and Sugar Grove is the only place I have called home. Though I was born and raised in New England, my husband grew up in Aurora and his family has been long time residents of the area. Sugar Grove is the community we decided to call home and raise our three children. We feel blessed to be part of a community with such great people.

I have thought about running for local office in the past, but the timing was never right. Now, the opportunity has finally presented itself and I am running for the position of Village Trustee at a crucial time. I felt compelled to submit my name as a write-in candidate based on the most recent proposal for rezoning in Sugar Grove. Our Village is ready for the right kind of development and I am committed to work hard to ensure it does so in a controlled way.

How will your personal characteristics and professional experience bring value to the Trustee role and future decisions for our village?

As a former Golf Professional and now Real Estate Broker, I have worked with many different people and possess strong interpersonal skills. In order to get agenda items accomplished it takes communication, transparency and a willingness to work together. Whether it be village administrators, board members, residents, or developers, I am committed to working with everyone on behalf of our residents. As a Real Estate Professional I understand different land uses and why they are used in different areas on the Comprehensive Plan. I would like to work with the Village and the Community to review the Comprehensive Plan. I have worked with many budgets over the years. Whether it be a budget for a golf operation or the current HOA board. It is imperative to be fiscally responsible.

I am involved in the community in many ways. I was a Girl Scout leader for five years. I was the golf coach for Marmion Academy for five years. I am a softball coach with Kaneland Youth Softball. I serve on my Homeowners Association Board. I believe in service and helping our community. I hope to continue to serve this community by being elected as a Trustee.

How do you feel about future development in Sugar Grove?

I believe Sugar Grove is a unique town with great potential. I am interested in controlled growth with the interests of the current community in mind. I would love to keep the small town feel while developing our village so we do have a diversified tax base. I am open to any developer that has plans to grow Sugar Grove. I am an objective person and I am excited about the future possibilities for our great town. I am concerned about future generations and believe that we must have thoughtful development in order to preserve what this town is about. My background in sports and now real estate give me a unique prospective. I would love to see a recreational business plan that brings tourism to Sugar Grove. When tourists visit an area they like to shop, dine, and spend some time. That would increase the tax revenue without much burden to our taxing bodies. I welcome thoughts from the residents as well. What are you interested in seeing come to our community? This is a process and all must be willing to share their thoughts and ideas. Together we can do great things!





As of February 21st early voting is now available for the April 2, 2019 Consolidated Election at the following locations: Kane County Clerk’s Office, 719 S. Batavia Avenue, Building B in Geneva and the Aurora Satellite Office, 5 E. Downer Place, Suite F in Aurora, with additional sites opening on March 18th.

The recent proposal to rezone land in Sugar Grove to make way for an 8 million square foot warehouse and distribution complex has made it clear that important decisions are now upon the village. The Village Board, comprised of its Village Trustees, is ultimately responsible for approving or denying a rezoning request such as this.

The ballot for the Village of Sugar Grove for Trustees to serve a 4-year term includes: David Paluch, Mari Johnson, Heidi Lendi, and Alex Kline-Wedeen. As concerns grew around Crown Development Corporation’s proposal to build the massive-scale warehousing complex, a new group, named Independents for Sugar Grove Village Trustee (ISGVT), formed this past January endorsing write-in candidates Jennifer (Jen) Konen and Ryan Walter, along with ballot candidate Heidi Lendi.

“We’re comprised of concerned residents of the village who want to ensure that the interests of all Sugar Grove residents are considered when important village decisions are being made,” ISGVT Director, Jim Huguelet says. “All of ISGVT’s endorsed candidates are long-time residents of Sugar Grove, and each would bring a unique professional background to their service.”

Beyond the hot rezoning topic, the three ISGVT endorsed candidates support a four-point platform so that voters can hold them accountable if they are elected which includes the following:

1) Rejection of any development proposal that does not adequately reflect the legitimate interests of Sugar Grove’s current residents

2) Opposition to the creation of any tax-increment financing (TIF) districts that are not in the best interests of Sugar Grove taxpayers and governmental bodies

3) Commencement of a review of the village’s Comprehensive Plan (Ordinance 2018-403C) that meaningfully engages with all stakeholders in the community to arrive at a truly shared vision for the village, as was done in the past

4) Provide an independent voice that asks tough questions and makes fact-based decisions for the long-term that are fair to all of the village’s stakeholders

“I want to give an independent voice to the residents of Sugar Grove. I believe that my approach of listening, research, and then discussion produces thoroughly vetted decisions and good results for the Village,” Heidi Lendi says. “I think it is important to improve communications between the Board and the residents, so I want the people to know that I listen to what everyone has to say and then do my own research before making any decisions.”

Jen Konen also strongly believes in transparency, communication and integrity and vows to protect residents’ most expensive investment– their property.

“The Village is in need of additional infrastructure and inviting spaces that bring the community together,” Ryan Walter says. “I support balanced mixed use that provides desirable experiences and options that most citizens can embrace.” He echoes the sentiments of his fellow ISGVT-endorsed candidates and vows to serve, listen to and represent the residents’ views and interests well.

For more information on the consolidated election, visit

For more information on Independents for Sugar Grove Village Trustee (ISGVT) and details on voting, visit -Kristen Kucharski



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