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THOUGHTFUL PROGRESS or PAVING PARADISE | Kane Residents Share on Rezoning Request for Proposed Devel


One proposed development project has some residents concerned that the picturesque countryside that Sugar Grove is known for may soon be a thing of the past– at least for 760 acres of it.

In recent weeks leading up to a public hearing set to take place this month, residents have taken to social media to share their viewpoints. Not all are against the project.

Some view it is as "thoughtful progress" that is inevitable in communities with an abundance of open land like Sugar Grove. While others oppose it, stating that unsightly industrial buildings will now be "right in their backyard" and "the numbers speak for themselves: nearly 1,000 loading docks, space for parking over 800 additional trailers, and parking for over 2,000 cars", indicating that these numbers do not represent what Sugar Grove residents want. Some are against this type of progress in this part of the community specifically since it is close in proximity to residential neighborhoods.

Though many residents have been anxiously anticipating the enhanced I-88 interchange, not everyone agrees with the planned development that often follows this type of progress due to the impact it can have on certain areas.

Crown Property owns the land and has asked The Village of Sugar Grove to rezone the property to PDD, planned development district, which also would permit single-family residential, retail and manufacturing use.The property, currently zoned E-1, estate residential, is at Seavey Road on the north, IL-47 on the West, Merrill Road on the south and I-88 on the east. In addition to the zoning change, Crown requested the assistance of tax increment financing (TIF) for the project.

The Village of Sugar Grove public hearing will take place on January 16, 2019 at the Sugar Grove Library.

Concerned residents have launched a facebook page I-88 Corridor Development in Sugar Grove, IL which provides updates on the project and digital renderings of the proposed development.




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