JANE S. ANDERSON 30 Days of Character Strengths: A Guided Practice to Ignite Your Best CHICAGOLAND–West suburban resident, Jane S. Anderson, has a passion for helping others increase their happiness and success. Through her business, Strength Based Living, LLC, she is a speaker, teacher and coach that focuses on igniting and harnessing strengths within individuals and groups.
“Working to share the research and practice of character strengths has become a specialty for me,” says Jane. “Character strengths elevate your capacity to express who you are and what you do when at your very best.” Writing her book, 30 Days of Character Strengths: A Guided Practice to Ignite Your Best, seemed like the natural way to expand her business and reach more people.
While studying positive psychology, the scientific study of human flourishing, Jane discovered the power of rituals and practice as an effective way to create lasting changes in her life. In her book, she weaves together inspiring stories and research to help guide the reader through a day-by-day discovery of their personal strengths, creating a pathway for living more authentically and shifting into new possibilities.
30 Days of Character Strengths: A Guided Practice to Ignite Your Best is available on Amazon, and you can visit www.StrengthBasedLiving.com for information on her upcoming workshop “Rise and Thrive in 2019: A Strengths-Fueled Path”. –Mindy Kyle, Features Writer
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