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Glancer Chicago West

REAL WOMEN IN REAL LIFE | Local Boss Babes Model New Fall Line at Velvet Grace Boutique


When Velvet Grace in Oswego was brainstorming a way to promote a new fall clothing and jewelry line they turned to the next generation of creativity.

“The Velvet Grace Boss Babe promotion was actually created by my daughter Kira Blanchflower who is studying Business Marketing at Western Michigan,” says co-owner, Mary Blanchflower. “We wanted to feature our products on real women, in real life.”

Over the years customers had shared their personal and business stories while shopping, and Mary and co-owner Nicole Menard realized they all shared common interests and struggles being wives, moms, and women in business.

“When Nicole and I first decided to open Velvet Grace, we were brave enough to follow our dream because of the many women before us that showed us it was possible,” Mary says. “Our goal for this campaign is not only to market each other, but also show other women in our community that when women support other women beautiful things happen.”

Since starting the promotion, six local women have been highlighted to promote their Fall Open House and Apparel POP UP Shop which is September 6th through September 8th. The Boss Babe Promotion is planned to continue long-term, targeting the next event as their Holiday Open House and Winter Apparel Pop up on November 9th.

If you or someone you know is a Velvet Grace loyal customer, owns their own business, or is a strong business minded woman who is an inspiration to others, email

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