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GLEN ELLYN MOMS VILLAGE | Getting Organized at Home

TAKING BACK YOUR SPACE WITH THESE 5 STEPS With a house full of kids, pets, and very little time, keeping the house orderly is like shoveling during a heavy snowstorm. The endless papers, the many shoes, the nomadic toys can quickly add up and the task of organizing seems impossible. With these strategies and tips from Laurie Palau of ‘This Organized Life’ podcast and author of Hot Mess: A Practical Guide to Getting Organized, she can help you find your space again!

Her philosophy begins with the root of your clutter. Once you identify where your clutter is coming from you can begin to work on strategies to eliminate it and get organized. You don’t have to throw everything away but learning how to get rid of items you don’t need and removing excess clutter from your house is the main goal.

Define your clutter. Is it physical, emotional, or calendar clutter? Physical clutter is basically STUFF. Emotional clutter is something that you can’t get rid of because it makes you feel guilty or you feel fearful that you might need it again or worry about the “what if”. Calendar clutter is being over scheduled or having poor time management skills which leaves you with saying “there just aren’t enough hours in the day! Talking through this and breaking free from your clutter gives you permission to let go.

Ask yourself the 5 W’s. Seriously think about why you are holding onto items. If you don’t have a good answer for these then it’s time to let it go! And don’t let the “what if” stand in your way.

• Who gave it to me? • What purpose is it serving? • When was the last time I used or wore it? • Why am I keeping it?

Schedule it. If you feel there is never a good time to get organized, identify your peak times of productivity. Perhaps a free morning when the kids go back to school, or make it a family project.

Make piles. Start with a small area and sort items into piles. Keep, Donate, Recycle, Relocate.

Label everything. Whatever area you are organizing create zones and keep similar items together. Layout items so that the most used ones have prime real estate. Label, label! This makes it easy for family members to put things back!

For more tips join us for Laurie Palau’s Clutter Clinic at the Glen Ellyn Boathouse September 12. Register through

ABOUT THE BLOGGER Glen Ellyn Mom’s Village is a local blog that was created by resident Alicia Donovan. She is devoted to being a mom who inspires others and loves connecting and creating a sense of community for all. She keeps herself busy with her active family, two dogs and surprises people when she says she’s a beekeeper.



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