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Glancer Chicago West

DuPAGE CHILDREN'S MUSEUM | New Board of Director Members Announced



DuPage Children’s Museum (DCM) is a nonprofit organization that has been a force for early learning for nearly thirty years. The Museum launches young children into a lifetime of successful learning through unique interactive experiences. Instrumental to the success of DCM is its talented and committed Board of Directors. Without its strong and capable leadership, the Museum would not have such a long history as a credible force for early learning. DCM has recently elected Cara DeGraff and Brian Greiner as new members to the Board of Directors.

Cara DeGraff is Vice President, Product Management at Vistex, Inc. Having an extensive professional background in logistics, supply chain management, and software and business systems, she has also held management positions with Westell, 3Com, and Comark. Outside of her professional responsibilities, DeGraff volunteers her time and talents to various organizations including Congregation Beth Shalom, Brookdale Buccaneers, and Illinois Swimming.

“I have a daughter who is now a freshman in high school, and we have fond memories as members visiting DuPage Children’s Museum. As a parent, I know what an incredibly valuable early learning resource this is to our community and throughout the Chicagoland region,” Cara said.

Cara holds a B.S. Degree in Business Administration from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. She and her daughter live in Naperville, IL.



Brian Greiner is Operations Controller at Pepper Construction Company. He has an extensive background in accounting, finance, IT, operations, and team management within the construction industry. Greiner also has a history of volunteerism at a variety of places including Pepper Construction as a Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation fundraising committee member; Junior Achievement as a volunteer teacher; WITS (working in the schools); and Feed My Starving Children, Naperville, IL.

Brian’s wife, Ashley, is a Pediatric Oncology Nurse with a local hospital, and they are parents of one daughter. “After the birth of our daughter in November 2016, we've become devoted to learning how to be effective parents and our goals include becoming more involved at DCM and getting to know more Naperville families,” said Greiner. They live in Naperville, IL.

Brian holds an MBA in Accounting from DePaul University and a B.A. in Accounting from Wartburg College.

Mark Trembacki, Chairman of DCM’s Board of Directors; and Sarah Orleans, President & CEO of DCM, are delighted to welcome Cara DeGraff and Brian Greiner to the Board of Directors of DuPage Children’s Museum. “Both of their significant professional skills and philanthropic backgrounds will be an asset to us as we deliver on our educational mission on behalf of young children and the important adults in their lives,” said Ms. Orleans.

About DuPage Children’s Museum

The Museum helps develop curiosity, creativity, thinking, and problem solving in young children through its mission: “DuPage Children’s Museum ignites the potential of all children to learn through hands-on exploration by integrating art, math, and science.” Interactive exhibits and programs make learning fun for children and adults playing together. DCM serves over 300,000 visitors annually representing all 50 states and 575 zip codes in Illinois. DCM’s reach and support represents well beyond the Chicagoland area. The Museum’s impact extends across cultural, financial, and educational boundaries. It touches the lives of children from all regions, providing the building blocks for success in school and life. The Museum is located at 301 N. Washington Street in Naperville, or call (630) 637-8000.

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