An Enclave of Luxurious Townhomes PARKS EDGE IN NAPERVILLE–You may be ready for a maintenance free townhome where the yard and exterior maintenance is provided. You may also want to be within walking distance of downtown Naperville and the Metro station. But you do not want to feel congested. If so, Parks Edge is for you.
In Parks Edge there are only 10 units which all have Seager Park Forest Preserve as their back yard. It is very close to downtown and the Metra station. And the construction materials and quality are top notch. To see more of this gracious community go to YouTube Link:
To see it in person the models are open on Saturday and Sunday from noon to 4pm or by appointment by calling (312) 388-3030 and ask for Fred. I-88 to Naperville Rd. South 1 mile to Plank Rd. then West 1 mile.