A TRUE TALE OF A CHICKEN-DUCK NAMED CHUCK Batavia resident Jennifer Meiring is an animal lover through and through. As a stay-at-home mom, she found some extra time once her kids started school to become a pet sitter, a dog walker and to write a fun children’s book about animals.
A True Tale of a Chicken-Duck Named Chuck is a book based on a true story. “My parents live in Michigan, and chickens and ducks are always coming and going near their barn,” says Jennifer. “When my mom told me about one chicken that was raising a duckling, I knew it would make a great children’s story. I like the message of unconditional love.”
When Jennifer first wrote the story six years ago, she found it was difficult as a new author to get published. She chose to self-publish, but to do that, she needed an illustrator. Luckily, a friend of hers, Carmen Hampson, also of Batavia, was interested in taking on the project. “What she came up with was perfect for the story,” claims Jennifer.
Their book can be found at Town House Books in St. Charles, as well as Kiss the Sky and 715 Vintage in Batavia. It can also be purchased directly by emailing chickenduckbook@gmail.com. –Mindy Kyle