The Village of Glen Ellyn is embarking on a comprehensive architectural survey of approximately 1200 buildings in a residential area. Lara and Emily Ramsey of Ramsey Historic Consultants are conducting the project, which will assess the area for architectural and historical significance.
The survey area, which is the sixth area of the Village to be inventoried since 2002, is roughly bound by Hill and Turner Avenues on the north; Park Boulevard on the east; Roosevelt Road on the south; and the Village limits to the west.
“The Village of Glen Ellyn values its rich history and architecture,” said Staci Hulseberg, Planning & Development Director for the Village of Glen Ellyn. “This extensive survey provides the Village with data to help us preserve our Village’s historic character.” The surveying began in October with an expected completion date of August 2018. The assessment will include photographic documentation of selected primary and secondary structures in the survey area.
Ultimately, the compiled information will be used by the Village to make informed decisions regarding preservation planning, community development projects and rehabilitation plans for individual buildings. Residents should note that property tax assessments are not being changed as part of the survey. Additionally, this information is only being gathered to provide the Village with an inventory of architecturally and or historically significant structures; the Village has no plans at this time to make any historic designations with this information.
Once complete, survey results and photographs will be made available on the Village’s website and at the Glen Ellyn Public Library. For more information on Architectural Resource Surveys and to view previous Village surveys that have been completed, please visit the Village’s website at www.glenellyn.org.