WHEATON HOLIDAY HOUSEWALK November 11 • 10am-4pm Ignite your holiday spirit and design inspiration at the Wheaton Holiday Housewalk on November 11 from 10-4. Savor four spectacular Wheaton homes open one day only for your enjoyment. Whether your style is storybook cottage or modern minimalist, you are sure to be dazzled and invigorated with new ideas for your own abode. This fourth annual fundraiser features beautiful styling from various area merchants who create everything from captivating porches to mesmerizing tablescapes. Each home will be decorated in a theme: 2 fall, 1 Christmas, and 1 winter. Invite your friends and enjoy a lovely fall stroll between 3 of the homes with a short drive to the 4th. Tickets are $35 at any house door or $30 pre-purchased at local merchants, and all proceeds benefit Wheaton North’s award-winning show choir, Flight. More details at www.wheatonholidayhousewalk.com.