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Glancer Chicago West

CARING + SHARING | Local Residents In Need Given Cars


Loaves & Fishes Community Services, in conjunction with Continental Motors Group, hosted the sixth annual “Driven to Care” event in December, continuing their collective tradition of giving back to the community.

Together, these partners brought joy to eight area families this holiday season by presenting them with the wheels they need to get back on the road and back on track to improving their lives. At the event, each deserving family received a quality used vehicle to drive off of the lot!

The Weinberger family, owners of Continental Motors Group, made a huge presentation of the vehicles, each adorned with a big bow. Paperwork, title, insurance was all previously taken care of so they were able to drive off the lot as new owners. What a wonderful gift! Simply amazing. -Submitted

Pictured: A deserving single mother, who is raising six children just outside Chicago, receives the keys to her new vehicle at the “Driven to Care” event, Thursday, December 8.


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