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Glancer Chicago West

HOMELESS WOMEN GET HELP Local Organization Helps Find Employment


After working 10 years at the post-office, an abusive relationship led her to losing her job.

Although she was able to break away from her unhealthy significant other, without any income, she lost her apartment. DuPagePads was her last option.

“I knew one of my first steps would be to find a new career,” Joy recalls.

She began working with DuPagePads Career Employment Solutions program to help her assess her strengths, skills and life experiences to assist her with finding a new and permanent position. DuPagePads career specialists and volunteers assisted Joy with writing cover letters, creating a resume and developing interviewing skills.

“I was interested in becoming a Pharmacy Technician and had some training already in it, so I was happy to learn DuPagePads had connections in the field,” Joy shares.

As a result of Joy’s diligent work and DuPagePads 74 community employers in the area, she was able to obtain a new position as a Pharmacy Technician, making $14.00 an hour.

“I love my new career and DuPagePads has given me so many tools and resources to succeed at it, including my STEP apartment,” Joy says.

Working as a Pharmacy Technician the 2nd shift at a local company, Joy is unable to use DuPagePadsInterim (Overnight) Housing sites and would have nowhere to sleep during the day. As a result of a generous grant, DuPagePads Short-Term Housing Employment Program (STEP) provides temporary housing through local motels for those employed in overnight positions so that they can be successful at their careers and save funds for their own apartment.

Joy smiles, “I don’t know what I would have done without the help of DuPagePads. The staff helped me set goals and work toward them. The best thing about being employed…I have pride again and I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel.”

This story is featured online at DuPage Pads.

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