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Glancer Chicago West


THE DOUCET FAMILY, OSWEGO Tony and Michelle have lived in Oswego for the past 13 years with their teen twins, Abigail and Joshua (13). They love being a part of the growing community and enjoy strolling around downtown and going to places like the Village Grind, Go Dog Go, the Farmer’s Market, and the local dog park in nearby Montgomery.

Although they love the outdoors and taking advantage of programs like OYTF football and cheerleading for their children, they also love the advances technology has made along the way to simplify their personal and work life. “We also run a dog sitting service that is managed through a site called,” Michelle says. “We love dogs and the website makes it super easy to manage the reservations, our calendar, and the money. The app also lets us take quick pics of dogs in our home in action that we can easily send to the client while they are away.”

As a School Social Worker at Prairie Junior High in Alsip, Michelle also says she couldn't get her job done well without the use of technology, like Google Classroom and Skyward. “Much of my communication is through email and Google calendar helps me set up meetings as well and keeps me organized,” she says. “I also have an iPad with apps to help kids with social stories and can utilize Apple TV as well to show videos.”

As a family, the Doucet’s pride themselves on encouraging a sense of community in their home. “We enjoy having conversations with our kids and their friends,” Michelle says. “We are proud of the fact that our kid's friends enjoy coming to our house because they know they will always feel welcomed by us.” -Kristen Kucharski, Photos by Mike Catuara

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