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COVER STORY | Mommy Couture, April 2016


Introducing ten west suburban do-it-all moms who are stylish, poised and overall amazing. These ladies know how to inspire. You'll love learning more about them....including their Mother's Day Wish. #MommyCouture

Amy Gardella, Naperville Mom When Amy Gardella was up against the wall for style ideas for her family pictures, she walked into Evereve in downtown Naperville and knew she was in the right place. “A personal stylist started asking questions, giving me ideas and pulling styles. I walked out of the store relieved and excited,” says Amy. She liked it so much, she went back and landed a stylist job there. Now, along with working full time at a middle school and being a small group trainer at PraxisFit in Batavia, she also helps other moms find clothing that looks great on them. Amy is constantly on the go, keeping up with her three jobs and her twin girls, Paige and Jessica, now 14. Being divorced for many

years, she worked hard on a good co-parenting system that still gave all the support needed for her girls. Her mom is a great help with her family, and she even dresses her in Evereve styles! Amy and her girls find it important to live their life to the fullest and intentionally make time to see and connect with their family and friends. Now, when she walks out the door she feels good about her style, and “I think it might give my teenagers some confidence that I’m not going to show up anywhere in mom jeans!” – Mindy Kyle

Amy’s Mother’s Day Wish..... “I wish that my daughters continue to live and serve with a happy heart, and they know every day I wake up loving them more.”

Laura Reedy Stukel, Elmhurst Mom From a typical spousal disagreement – windows open versus air conditioning, came a grand plan to find a home they could rehab and make it a healthy home. Using her real estate background, Laura and her husband embarked on a rehab that was named the Green Rehab of the Year by Better Homes and Gardens in 2009. It was at this point in her life Laura realized that although she would stay in real estate, her focus would be helping others think about more comfortable and safer homes. Laura proceeded to open her own consulting firm, targeting home energy efficiency. As her career gained momentum the National Association of Realtors created an award, the EverGreen “Industry Advocate” Award, to recognize her unique work, while at the same time raising her two children, Kate and Mark. As a Mommypreuneuer, Laura balances her days between work and home with 100% teamwork from her husband; especially when her job takes her to Washington, D.C. to launch the U.S. Department of Energy's Better Buildings Home Energy Information Accelerator Program. Laura also serves on committees and boards for the National Association of Realtors, as well as spends quality time with her family at Feed My Starving Children. -Kristen Kucharski

Laura’s Mother's Day Wish.... “My wish is that kids will find leaders in all places who embrace differences; that moms prevail and love and acceptance returns.”

Vivian Richardson, Aurora Mom When Cristian was born 6 weeks premature, he was having trouble breathing. They whisked him away immediately after delivery. Later, a nurse came into the room and told Vivian they thought he had traits of Down Syndrome.

Vivian knew her life would be filled with doctor’s appointments, therapists, specialists, etc., but she also knew she would be Cristian’s first advocate and not be afraid to speak up about anything she didn’t understand. She learned that although there can be speech delays, motor skills delays, and cognitive delays, that didn’t mean he was incapable of learning. He just learns differently.

“Cristian is a master of seizing opportunities no matter how challenging,” Vivian says. “He is blessed with the natural ability to do what many of us never do, and that is live in the moment and makes the most of every opportunity. Cristian has given me the joy of parenting!”

Reaching out to area support groups, like GiGi’s Playhouse in Aurora, IL was the first positive representation of Down Syndrome she had encountered. “What I love most about GiGi’s is to see the empowerment that builds in our children, teens and adults through the programs; and getting to witness those moments when they have reached a milestone - are priceless.” -Kristen Kucharski

Vivian’s Mother's Day Wish.... “I am a simple girl and a ‘Happy Mother’s Day’ and an ‘I love you, Mom’ from my boy is all I need.”

Meredith Murphy, St. Charles Mom Meredith comes from a long line of hardworking, philanthropic, and driven women and attributes most of her success to having a strong mother who raised her to be independent, well rounded, and highly motivated. She is raising her children, Tatum (13) and Tyler (10) with those same principals. Using her drive, as well as her passion for helping women transform and feel beautiful, Meredith opened two St. Charles businesses - Bombshell Blowout Boutique and Spa in February 2015 and Bombshell 56 in December 2015. She has fun using color to express her creative side and edgy styles to highlight the diverse and talented stylists that work at Bombshell. She even dyed her own hair red this past February to support Heart Disease Awareness.

Meredith is thankful that owning her own businesses provides her flexibility to devote time and attention to her two children, including coaching her daughter’s travel basketball team. She contributes her time management skills to wonderful carpools and the modern technology of a cell phone where she can check emails and messages keeping abreast of work obligations.

Fashion is simple, yet stylish for this active family who can be seen throughout the community at basketball, soccer, tennis, and music lessons, as well as participating in many community fundraisers. -Kristen Kucharski

Meredith’s Mother's Day Wish.... “75 degrees and sunny! I also hope to receive a homemade card from both of my children.”

Molly Crawford, St. Charles Mom As a Matilda Jane Trunk Keeper, Molly has no trouble keeping her four children in stylish clothes, specifically her daughters, Mackenzie (5) and Savannah (4). She joined Matilda Jane because she loves their mission of “keeping a little girl...a little girl”.

Mackenzie and Savannah love skirts and feeling fancy, and adore accessories, such as big bauble necklaces, charm bracelets, jelly bracelets, earrings; and of course, adding the perfect Elsa French braid or little bow clip to complete the look.

Owning her own business allows Molly to control her schedule, but it can still be difficult balancing time between work and maintaining the house, meals, homeschooling, giving each child individual attention, and attending family and individual commitments. “I’m not afraid to ask for help and I pray often,” she says. “I have three, sometimes four little kiddos to take care of 7 days a week (we are a Safe Families Home, helping parents in crisis), so my secret to sanity is keeping the kids active and on the go.”

Molly also finds refuge in finding the perfect items at resale shops like Jane Pabon in Geneva and connecting with friends during Mom’s Like Me Bible Study at Christ Community Church in St. Charles. -Kristen Kucharski

Molly’s Mother's Day Wish.... “I can’t really ask for more than the beautiful family that God has blessed me. My wish is to spend the day with them, outside in beautiful weather, planting some flowers.”

Debbie Boehm, Naperville Mom Debbie relocated from California to Naperville in 1995 and has lived here for the past 21 years. With the decision to downsize a year ago, it forced Debbie to get creative with her personal style, while trying to figure out what to do with mounds of stuff that would not fit in her new home.

She found the secret to making it feel and look larger was simply to de-clutter! “Don't fill every spot and use the same color palette,” she says. It was challenging to part with things that she had for a lifetime, but quickly realized the freedom of only keeping the things that were most special to her.

“When decorating, I incorporate my personality with my style which makes it eclectic, a bit of traditional, vintage with a touch of glam,” Debbie shares. “I think that it's important to surround yourself with the things that you love to make your house a home, so I don't worry about what the trend is - I like to put out what I love - crystal and sparkly.”

Her happy place for finding the home decorations is Nona Jo's in Naperville, “As soon as you enter their shop you will smile and be happy!” -Kristen Kucharski

Debbie’s Mother's Day Wish....

“To have that moment back in time when my Mom, son and I could all be together for the day and spend it at the Riverwalk.”

Stacy Shaw, Oswego Mom Stacy Shaw is a self-proclaimed shopaholic, so when she landed a job 15 years ago as a fashion buyer for The Prom Shoppe in Oswego, it was a fit made in heaven! Since then, the store has expanded, opening Bella-Gia Boutique and the new Polished department. She is honored to be able to continue searching out new trends and fashions for these outlets as well.

Stacy lives in Oswego with her husband, Chris, and her two children, Payton (9) and Jackson (7). Her children also seem to have been bitten by the fashion bug. “Payton likes to match her outfits the night before and is always interested in the latest trends. Jackson likes to pick out his own outfits and match colors,” says Shaw.

Her long hours at the stores – especially during homecoming and prom season – and her hours on the road buying for Bella Gia take her away from her family often. When she is home, she cherishes spending time with them. On a typical Sunday night, you’ll find us watching a movie, playing a game or baking a treat. My daughter loves to bake!” – Mindy Kyle

Stacy’s Mother’s Day Wish.... “Just to spend time with my kids.”

Tenisha Miedel, Wheaton Mom Lights, camera, action! Tenisha is no stranger to the public eye growing up as a child actor, model, and dancer. She appeared in over 50 national television commercials, three television series/shows, performed lead roles in numerous Professional Musical Theatre gigs and was hired for many print jobs including department store catalogues and national advertising print work. At 5-years old, she was also one of the first students of Moves Dance Studio. She went on to perform in all of their dance companies, as well as their pre-professional programs. After marrying and having kids, she returned to her roots and purchased the flagship and satellite locations of Moves Dance Studios in North Aurora and Wheaton. With three kids under the age of four, this Mommyprenuer knows a bit about balancing work and home commitments. Her secret – “Having an amazing faculty,” Tenisha says. “They are all so dedicated to Moves and will do anything to help out!” She is thankful that her husband and mom are co-owners and actively involved in the business as well. Tenisha loves being a huge part of such an amazing experience for the Moves students and their families; including classes for children with special needs. “Dance is a part of who I am. I wouldn't want to be doing anything else!” -Kristen Kucharski

Tenisha’s Mother's Day Wish.... “To get my pre-three-kid body back!”

Marcelle Doyle, Wheaton Mom

Marcelle Doyle started working at Jeans and a Cute Top Shop in Wheaton seven years ago only one day a week. They asked her to model for a few fashion shows, and three years later she is their Fashion Show Coordinator, now doing 30+ shows a year mostly for charities and local high schools. “I love the opportunity to play ‘dress up’ with all of my models,” says Marcelle. “They are always so fun and willing to let me outfit them in the fashions from our store.”Marcelle still considers her “real job” however, to be mom. She lives with her husband, Tim, and her three children, Delaney (14), Mackenzie (17) and Riley (19), who is now a freshman playing hockey at MSU. Along with her three biological children, Marcelle, as a billet mom, has hosted four boys over the past few years who have lived in their home while playing Junior Hockey in Chicago. She considers them a big part of her family. With all those hockey players in her life, Marcelle is on the go to cold ice rinks all over the Midwest. Her daughters also compete for Wheaton North High School’s varsity cheerleader team. Now, after being associated with JCTS, she feels like she heads out in style. “I love throwing on a jacket, some great jeans and a cute top most every day.” –Mindy Kyle

Marcelle’s Mother’s Day Wish....

“An extended family brunch, golf with my mother/sisters-in-law, then wine at the 19th hole. I get texts from all my boys, and my husband plants my flowers.”

Kristy Schlossberg, Wheaton Mom Being the only woman in the house and a stay-at-home mom, Kristy Schlossberg jumped at the chance to work part-time, get out of the house and talk to women about clothes and jewelry. She loves working at Bella Roba in Wheaton and helping ladies find clothes that make them feel fantastic about themselves. “Being there sometimes feels more like a girls’ night out and less like work,” says Kristy.

Because her husband, Matt, works during the day, and she usually works four nights a week, they place a premium on their family time together with boys, Ben (7) and Evan (3). They love having a family dinner when everyone is at home and getting outside for outings on their bikes or to the zoo.

As much as Kristy loves style and fashion, her boys do not. “As boys, dirt is naturally attracted to them,” jokes Kristy. So she dresses them mostly in casual clothing, like jeans and t-shirts that they can play in. “My kids would wear pajamas all day, every day if I let them. They are not interested in style at all.” –Mindy Kyle

Kristy’s Mother’s Day Wish.... “I wish that my youngest will finally decide that sleeping past 6am is cool.”

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