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Glancer Chicago West

COMMUNITY | Healing Gardens

OPENING APRIL 10 FOR ENJOYMENT OF PERENNIAL GARDENS IN WOODED SETTING Healing Gardens, a two-acre expanse of woodland and perennial gardens at Stone Hill Farm off Dean Street in Saint Charles, today announced its opening date for the 2016 season would be Sunday, April 10 from 11 am - 4 pm. The gardens are open to the public on set dates for the purpose of enjoying the natural wooded setting and perennial gardens. The admission cost is $5 per person and $10 per family, call for discounted group rates. In solidarity and to honor the journey, cancer survivors are always free. Donations of time or money for upkeep are welcome. Healing Gardens is cultivated and hosted by Deborah Marqui owner of Stone Hill Farm with her husband Buzz Marqui.

“Give yourself the gift of lowering your blood pressure and stress levels by immersing your being in the healing presence of spring,” said Ms. Marqui. The April opening will offer a class from 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm on “How To Create A Healing Garden.” The April 10 opening will also offer, weather permitting, an optional outdoor Yoga In The Garden class from 1pm –2pm taught by Nancy May. Class registration required.

Ms. Marqui, who is cancer-free from non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma since 1996 and in remission from breast cancer since 2002, finds great restoration of spirit in her gardens and property and wants to share that with the public for their own rejuvenation. Visiting individuals or small groups are welcome to do as they please. No activity is required or requested. People are welcome to read, nap, draw, meditate, journal, swing or walk or simply do nothing. Stone Hill Farm is the home of Buzz and Deb Marqui where they have lived since 1972, raising four children.

About Healing Gardens Healing Gardens at Stone Hill Farm is two acres of perennial gardens in a beautiful wooded setting in Saint Charles, IL. The gardens are open to the public on the second Sunday of each month from April through October. The admission fee is $5 per person and $10 per family. Call for discounted group rates. Cancer survivors are free, although donations of time or money for upkeep are appreciated. Groups are welcome to schedule and reserve special days to visit the gardens. Deborah also leads day retreats, hosts Silent Saturday Mornings, and is a commissioned presenter of Centering Prayer. Healing Gardens is located at 37W249 Dean Street, St. Charles.

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