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Glancer Chicago West

BEAUTIFUL HOME | Local Designer Decorates White House


Many west suburban residents will recognize Mary Mazzeffi as the Interior Floral Designer and Accessory Specialist at Nona Jo’s in Naperville; but what many may not realize is that she was one of 89 elite decorators selected from thousands of applicants to decorate the White House this past Christmas.

“Growing up watching the White House Christmas decor on TV was so magical; but, seeing this in person and being a part of decorating this prestigious "House" was both overwhelming and rewarding,” Mary says.

Early on, Mary knew she wanted to be a florist. By 15, she was taking classes at the College of DuPage, began working at Lance Floral at 16, and eventually began freelancing with her own business, ‘A Floral Affair’, planning weddings, events, seasonal decorating, and designing. Mary also fulfills her passion working at Toms Price with visual displays.

“Floral adds a pop of color to a neutral room, it softens hard surfaces while adding texture, and I just love bringing the outside in,” Mary shares passionately. “Home decorating is as easy as adding a new pillow or throw to a chair or sofa to give a fresh new look.” -Kristen Kucharski

PHOTOS: Above Mary is pictured at Nona Jo’s in Naperville (by Mike Mantucca); At right Mary is pictured decorating the White House for Christmas (submitted).

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Decorating the White House, Christmas 2015

Decorating the White House, Christmas 2015

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