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Glancer Chicago West



This new monthly column will highlight how local area women can be the best version of themselves through everyday struggles that we face. Joann Pierce, a west suburban wellness and fitness enthusiast, will answer 3 everyday struggles that women face each month to help our readers to be the best version of themselves. Send Your Everyday Struggle to

EVERYDAY STRUGGLE #1: Balancing work and kids can be overwhelming. How can I make morning time more fun and less frazzled? -Jenny A.,Glen Ellyn

This will not be a new and amazing idea here, but how prepared are you? Are you picking out clothes and preparing lunches the night before? Make this a whole family thing. Everyone can pick out what they will wear tomorrow and help make lunches as part of the evening routine. Energy given is energy received!! If you are negative in the morning, your children will probably follow your lead. Try turning up the music and watch everyone start to dance and sing without you saying a word. Do you want to spend a little time being silly or more time yelling and getting frustrated? Start your day off positive and planned to keep everyone moving!

EVERYDAY STRUGGLE #2: I love to volunteer & help out, but when I do it gets piled on to the point where I am missing deadlines, making mistakes, etc.? How can I get “helping out” back to good? -Carol Z., Lisle

The late Steve Jobs once said: “Focus is about saying no.” …. Isn’t that the truth! Over booking your calendar with commitments can derail your focus, pulling you away from the work that you truly want to do. It’s not good for your friendships, career or your soul! And if someone gets furious because of your confidence and ability to say “no?” Well, he or she was probably never your true friend or someone you should volunteer for. Better to know now “who and what” you prefer to spend your time with. Once you know how to say “no”, it’s easier to say, “yes” to those who deserve it!

EVERYDAY STRUGGLE #3: Social Media is fun & keeps me connected, but some women are just as catty online as in person– from passive aggressive posts to unnecessary jabs at each other. How can I prevent myself from being one of their online targets? -Sammy P.,Geneva

Being caddy is supposed to be a middle school thing, but everyone knows it doesn't always end there. I often recommend to my friends and clients to ask themselves; "how is this impacting my life?" and “If I react is it moving my life forward?” Sometimes a reaction is exactly what caddy people are looking for because they think it gives them power over you. It also takes the focus off of them and puts it onto you. If you respond, you are empowering the caddy one! To avoid a chain reaction of caddy behavior, simply remove yourself from the situation and move on.

about the writer Joann Pierce is a wellness and fitness enthusiast who is living a lifestyle she never thought was possible. She’s been a stay-at-home Mom for 12 years and started in fitness years ago– from kickboxing to yoga. Continuing her journey in 2011, she completed her 200hr Yoga Certification at Prairie Yoga in Lisle. With over 1000 teaching hours, she completed her associate Life Coach Certification in 2013 and became a Beachbody Coach. She helps those who are looking to change their bad habits and embark on a fitness and nutrition platform for personal happiness. “The greatest reward is the people I am surrounded by and all of those who choose to go after their dreams and goals! Everyday I wake up ready to help at least two people a day.” Joann Pierce #phase40 Fitness, Empowering you is what we do. Beachbody Coach, Life Coach, RYT 200hr Yogi •

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