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Glancer Chicago West

SUBURBAN HERO MOM | November 2015

ROBIN RUBIN, NAPERVILLE Tzofim Friendship Caravan With the holiday season right around the corner, Robin Rubin reflects on her Jewish heritage and the belief in the notion of Gemilut Chassadim - Hebrew for "acts of loving kindness"- during the holidays and all year long.

“These acts are to emphasize service toward others and the person doing the service benefits personally by positively affecting their world by their acts,” Robin shares. “Bringing the Israeli Scouts to visit Naperville for two days every year is one of my favorite ways to perform Gemilut Chassadim!”

Robin, along with her teenage daughter, Jaci, serves as the coordinator and family ambassador for Congregation Beth Shalom in Naperville. Ten teenage Israeli scouts travel to the United States each year via the Tzofim Friendship Caravan program. Robin works to connect the teens with host families as the scouts travel through the U.S. and speak about life in Israel, their own families, and Jewish values; all the while learning about American traditions.

Since accepting this role in her Synagogue, Robin and her daughter have traveled to Israel. “The peace, beauty and tolerance of that country will never be forgotten,” she says. For more information on the Tzofim Friendship Caravan, visit or –Kristen Kucharski, Photo by Mike Mantucca

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