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Glancer Chicago West



Although I wrote about the Du Page Forest Preserve last month, I felt strongly that I needed to draw additional attention to another amazing adventure we experienced within the many offerings of the Forest Preserve. Because, where else could you ever hand collect chicken eggs from chickens in the chicken coop?

In my 40 years of living, I can honestly say I have never pulled a chicken egg from under a chicken while the chicken stared me in the eyes. What a truly unique experience for not only the kids, but for myself. At 10:45 a.m., visitors are encouraged to meet at the chicken house to watch the feeding, meet the chickens, and help collect the eggs for the morning. And yes, the chickens are still actively walking about the chicken coop when you are collecting their eggs, and some may be still sitting upon them.

We even got to milk a cow at the Timber Ridge Visitor Center. It wasn’t a real cow but it was still fun pretending on the large plastic cow with water as a substitute for milk! There was also a darling wooden play set in the visitor center amongst many unique gift items.

The farm is very interactive. Depending on the time of year, different programs are offered to give the children a chance to work the farm by helping to stock the wood pile, pick corn from the fields, tap trees for maple syrup, care for and feed the animals, and so much more. The farm is completely hands-on and the staff is extremely friendly. They even made the farmhouse tour engaging for our group of kids that ranged in age from 2-9 years old. The setting is gorgeous and peaceful and brings you back to simpler times.

Kline Creek Farm is located at 1N600 County Farm Road, West Chicago, IL 60185. Phone is 630-876-5900. Kline Creek Farm is a part of the Dupage Forest Preserve so the website is Hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, Thursday through Sunday. They are closed Tuesday and Wednesday. Admission is FREE!

  • Kristen Kucharski

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