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Glancer Chicago West

MOM'S LITTLE BLACK BOOK | Feed My Starving Children

November 2010 - KIDS GIVE BACK

We live in a community that offers many advantages and has won awards for Best Places to Live and Most Kid Friendly, etc. We are fortunate in so many ways.

Since our community has provided so much free fun to us, our next adventure took us to a place where we could give back. Our next adventure proved those words to be oh so true. Our group had the most fantastic time at Feed My Starving Children in Aurora.

You may have been there before, but checkout their new website and registration process. They have lowered their age to permit children as young as five years old to participate. The new registration process also permits for individuals, and/or families, and/or groups to volunteer. You no longer need a minimum group size to sign up for a volunteer day; but please note the child to adult ratio when registering. Any day you choose to help, log into their website and volunteer for a packing session. It’s that easy.

On a recent day off of school, we opted to take our family to this incredible organization. Obviously a free activity to volunteer, but what surprised even the youngest participant (age 5) was that it was so much fun. We were joined by friends and we all sang and danced and yelled out victory chants, as we packed food for starving children in other countries. Our children learned that there is not always food in the pantry, nor a wide variety of choices. Our children learned that some children in other countries eat mud pies – literally – just to feel full, even though it offers no nutritional value.

So the group of us stood around a large funnel surrounded by bins of chicken flavoring, dehydrated vegetables, soy, and rice. We filled bags; sealed bags; and packed boxes of nutritional meals for two hours. We packed 8,856 meals that will help feed 24 children for an entire year. We had a blast and considered this one of the best adventures of the year.

Feed My Starving Children is located at 555 Exchange Ct, Aurora, IL 60504. Phone is 630-851-0404. Website is Check their website for packing sessions. Admission is FREE. – Kristen Kucharski

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