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15 FASCINATING FACES OF 2023 | Minzie Choi

Updated: Dec 22, 2023

15 FASCINATING FACES OF 2023 | Minzie Choi of Geneva

Accomplished and Talented Teen Serves as President of the 2023-2024 State Action Team for Illinois DECA

GENEVA–Minzie, a senior at Geneva High School and a four-year DECA member, is ecstatic and deeply honored to represent Illinois DECA as President of the 2023-2024 State Action Team.


Minzie has competed in Hospitality and Tourism TDM, Business Law and Ethics TDM, and is competing in Human Resources Management Individual Series.  She has competed at regional, state, and national competitions, earning awards and philanthropic recognition.  DECA has fostered her closest friendships and has developed her as a leader. She is the current Co-President of her high school chapter and was VP of Philanthropy the year prior.

15 FASCINATING FACES OF 2023 | Minzie Choi of Geneva

As Illinois DECA President, Minzie looks forward to helping fellow IL DECA members reach their full potential.  Her favorite DECA memory was placing Top 20 internationally in her event at the 2023 International Career Development Conference (ICDC).

In addition to DECA, Minzie is an officer for three National Honors Societies at her high school, is a member of Geneva’s Student Ambassador League, and is an independent tutor for young students. She plays center for her travel ice hockey team, attack for Geneva’s Girls’ Varsity Lacrosse team, and is first chair violin in her High School’s Symphony Orchestra. Having two little sisters with Type 1 Diabetes, Minzie also advocates for increased awareness.

-Kristen Kucharski, Photos Submitted

15 FASCINATING FACES OF 2023 | Minzie Choi of Geneva

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